Behaviour Support Training Specialists

The Trauma Informed Classroom

The Trauma Informed Classroom

Understanding and using a trauma informed approach

A child or young person’s attachment difficulties can impact their behaviour. It is important for all practitioners who work with children and young people to have a sound knowledge of this. This is a fantastic introduction to the topic.

Next date: Monday 29th April 2024 - 1.00pm to 4.00pm

Audience: Teachers, support staff  and pastoral staff

Venue: Live online session Zoom

Cost: £85 per person + VAT

Course content

  • Attachment theory and evidence.
  • Practical ways to support children with attachment issues and deescalate
  • Types of trauma and its potential impact on development in school.
  • Theory into practice - a review of evidence based trauma approaches

Who is this course for?

This course is ideally suited teachers and support staff working in schools (infants, primary and secondary).

We also run a course aimed at SLT, SENCos and other practitioners (SALT, councillors, youth workers, LA advisors), Trauma informed schools

Course Leaders

Clare Edmondson, director of Changing Behaviour Ltd UK, has worked and led in a variety of challenging mainstream schools, mental health school units, ASD units and PRUs.