Changing Behaviour is a UK based training company that provides real solutions for managing, and changing, challenging behaviour in a variety of educational and care settings. From Nursery through to adults, Changing Behaviour provides training, resources and practical plans for schools and services working with challenging behaviour.
Clare Edmondson, founder and director of Changing Behaviour UK LTD, is an author (Desperately Seeking Inclusion, to be released 2023) teacher and leader with a particular interest in social emotional mental health and ASC. She has led and worked in over the last fifteen years, a range of educational and health settings including: mental health hospitals, ASC schools, pupil referral units and mainstream settings. In addition to this, she has worked in the adoption and fostering sector working with schools, adoptive parents and virtual schools.
Clare uses her 15 years of experience on the front line to help practitioners not make the same mistakes she did! An important aspect of Clare’s work is working with vulnerable young people – She still works three days per week with children that show behaviour that challenges and still gets sworn at, still gets it wrong and still makes a large impact of students’ outcomes. This ongoing front line work fuels her staff training to be real; anecdotes and stories may well be from that week at school.
As a company, Changing Behaviour UK LTD is a small, training and consultancy company that aims to change staff and service users behaviour.
Has taught and led in a range of schools from London to Cornwall. Debs is an experienced leader of safeguarding and behaviour and a former AST and teacher trainer. She is currently the lead for Devon and Cornwall Women’s Ed. @DKemp_01
Ruari’s career started at the age of 19 when he became involved in Youth Work in 1996. He started as a volunteer before being offered a job where he was involved in a number of creative community projects with other young people. He qualified as a Youth and Community worker, and subsequently held various positions including a Student Support Officer, Connexions Intensive Personal Adviser, and Learning & Behaviour Mentor.
His early career brought him into contact with many young people with Social Emotional and Mental Health needs, learning to build relationships and engage with otherwise hard to reach young people, teaching them social and emotional skills. After a while his philosophy changed. He realised that solely placing the ‘problem’ within the child was not the answer and began to recognise there are many external factors which are beyond their control. He started to turn his efforts to working in a more holistic way; working with the adults, carers and educators, he discovered there was another way to bring about change and have a greater impact on the lives of these young people.
Training as a Parenting Practitioner and Behaviour Support Specialist, Ruari then went on to work in a Behaviour Support Team, a Pupil Referral Unit and a Family Placement Team in Children’s Social Care. He has delivered various parenting and behaviour Management programmes and has worked with many of children, parents/carers and school staff.
Today Ruari manages a Behaviour Support Service which provides direct support and training to over 30 schools. Working directly with school staff, pupils and parents to ensure there is a positive environment where these pupils can access the curriculum within the mainstream classroom.
In his spare time, when he’s not parenting his own family, Ruari likes to keep his hand in with the very things which got him involved in Youth Work in the first place, including music, skateboarding and art.
Charlotte has taught in many different schools in the UK and across the globe since 1995. Most recently, she has had leadership roles in London and trains teachers for the University, state schools and the private sector. She is committed to developing the next generation of teachers and nurturing those already in the profession, equipping them with the confidence and skills to provide exceptional teaching and learning for their pupils, within a supportive environment.